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Only on FEB 3 TO FEB 28
Realizes complete transformation without replacement into 5 modes: circuit mode, miracle turn mode, aero mode, aero boost mode, and super aero boost mode. Variable aero parts and boost pods, bending tires, rotating steering wheel, opening and closing the canopy, etc. It is equipped with amazing gimmicks throughout without changing its proportions, allowing you to recreate dramatic scenes from the movie. The details inside the cockpit are also faithfully reproduced. It uses die-cast parts, and combined with the heavy painting, it gives off the overwhelming presence of the 黄呑. Please enjoy the world view of Cyber Formula and the individuality of each machine by placing it side by side with Hi-SPECν Asurada and Super Asurada AKF-11, which are currently under development. If you don't have the ``Huangya AN-21'' yet, don't miss out on this opportunity!