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Only on FEB 3 TO FEB 28
Featuring new design work by "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" series designer Kanetake Ebikawa, this set includes a GN Raster Sword and GN Devise Backpack. The pack is compatible with optional accessories that will be sold in the future.
This action figure stands approximately 7.08 inch tall and made of PVC, ABS, diecast materials.
The set contents:
main body, optional antenna (flexible), Waist latch parts (L/R), GN Drive, GN sword clip, GN sword parts, GN shield x2, GN short blade, GN long blade, GN Beam Dagger x2, GN Beam Saber x2 , GN Beam Saber Grip x2, Rear armor, backpack, Proto GN Buster sword, GN Condenser, option hands for backpack x2, Astraea Joint L/R, display joint parts, Stand, Support rod, Secondary support rod.