FEB beauty Sale!!
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Only on FEB 3 TO FEB 28
From Tamashii Nations. All the drama and charm of your favorite characters in a cute, convenient, and fun to collect palm size! Lifelike eyes, simple posability, and stylishly squashed proportions bring these characters from Demon Slayer to life! Includes an optional pair of arms and a stand.
The charm of the character is condensed into a palm-sized deformation. A deformed arrangement figure series featuring lively eyes and simple movement. Point1. Lively eyes Glittering EYE's three-dimensional shape and glossy coloring give it a lively presence. Point 2. Reproduce an impressive pose Includes replacement arm parts that allow you to take an impressive pose with the character's individuality! Point3: Neck, shoulders and legs are movable The neck, shoulders, and legs are movable, so you can enjoy standing and posing like each character.