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Only on FEB 3 TO FEB 28
Bowl-shaped lunch jar made of stainless steel, with a vacuum double-layer structure for the lid and body. Antimicrobial version with silver ions, except for metal parts. It is a 2-stage type, the inner container fits the main body, and the rice can be put into the line inside the main body. The vacuum prevents the heat from escaping from the inside and makes it difficult for the heat from the outside to transfer, so that it can keep warm and cold. Lock type fixed with a stopper. It's super light and easy to carry. The lunch box is coated with clear lacquer to prevent scratches and fingerprints. Both the inner cover of the intermediate container and the outer edge of the container have fillers to prevent the juice from leaking. Only the inner container can be microwaved by removing the inner lid. The amount of rice that goes into the main body is about 2.4 cups of rice bowls (about 200ml). You can place the ingredients in the medium container over rice just before serving for a donburi lunch. Comes with plain noodle bento recipe. Heat preservation effect: above 58 degrees (6 hours), cold preservation effect: below 11 degrees (6 hours)