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Only on FEB 3 TO FEB 28
It also has cross compatibility with HG kits first seen in the SD Build Fighters models
The first unit launching is the iconic RX-78-2 from the very first Gundam series
Includes beam rifle, beam saber and shield. Runner x 5, sticker, Instruction Manual
Approximately 3 inches tall
Bandai Brings us a new line of Super Deformed (SD) Gundam called the EX Standard! These new EX Standard kits come molded in multiple colors and feature limited articulation so you can get that perfect pose to display them!
Foil marking stickers are also included to add extra colors and markings to your kit. A new gimmick added with these EX Standard kits is the ability to borrow parts and combine them to make new weapons that can be used with 1/144 scale HG Gundam kits !