FEB beauty Sale!!
Enter code "FEB14%OFF" Online for all beauty and life products, when you spend $99.99, get 14% OFF and get a free gift.
Only on FEB 3 TO FEB 28
Toner-based solution targets and melts away blackheads and whiteheads without irritation. Featuring VT's signature Centella Asiatica 4X Complex and rich Centella Asiatica Extract for outstanding soothing properties. 3 kinds of hyaluronic acid with different molecular weights penetrate into different skin layers for long-lasting moisturizing. Green Tea and Cranberry Extracts help regulate sebum production.
How to use: 1. Soak a cotton pad and apply to the affected area for 15 minutes. 2. Gently press the area with a cotton swab and remove impurities.