FEB beauty Sale!!
Enter code "FEB14%OFF" Online for all beauty and life products, when you spend $99.99, get 14% OFF and get a free gift.
Only on FEB 3 TO FEB 28
● Advanced damage care series focusing on Japanese women's hair research results, "Power of Japanese Grass" and "Heat". Every time I blow-dry it, I get beautiful hair ● "Silky Smooth" series that makes hair smooth and silky even for hair that tends to tangle ● Contains intensive repairing ingredient "Rice Bran Fermentation Extract"*1 . Repairs the inside of damaged hair ● Contains "selected Japanese herbal extract"*2, which is an ingredient that whitens and brightens fingers. Improves finger passages and imparts luster ● Contains "heat repair clothing ingredient" *3. The heat of the dryer seals the cuticles of the ally, making it a "smooth" finger passage. ● Lustrous double cherry blossom fragrance (scent containing natural cherry blossom essence) ● Penetrating care that quickly penetrates damaged hair, making hair non-greasy while firm repairing. ● Sulfate-free (no sulfate-based surfactants used) ● No artificial colors