FEB beauty Sale!!
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Only on FEB 3 TO FEB 28
The CP value is super high and the fluffy styling spray, sprayed on the hair will not be stiff and wet, even if it is soft and young hair. Kao's products are guaranteed with confidence. This Japanese 🇯🇵 Kao 3D ultra-long-lasting styling spray can help you maintain your all-day styling whether it is daily work, dating, or even doing sports. Even in rainy or humid weather, it can still maintain the shape strongly✨. Fragrance-free long-lasting styling spray 💨 Strong styling without stiffness or heaviness, keeping hair naturally fluffy The new nozzle is easy to use and improves the problem of uneven spraying (A) Purple 💜 Durability: Level 4 can maintain a three-dimensional sense and flow direction throughout the day , Beautiful curls, moisture-resistant formula✨ Suitable for different fluffy curly hair styles, bob head (B) blue 💙 Persistence: Level 3.5 can inhibit hair from breaking and not easy to lift, and can maintain hairstyle even in rainy days and strong winds The hair is put away and keeps the same shape, refreshing and neat short hair (C) Green 💚 Persistence: Level 3 How to use: No need to shake the bottle, spray from 20cm away from the hair (can also be sprayed on the inside of the hair to increase the setting power)