FEB beauty Sale!!
Enter code "FEB14%OFF" Online for all beauty and life products, when you spend $99.99, get 14% OFF and get a free gift.
Only on FEB 3 TO FEB 28
- "Clear Clean Toothpaste Set", "Merit Leave-in Shampoo", and "Bioré u Shower Gel" that are convenient to go out! ・With toothpaste, the particles (detergent) break up between teeth and cleanly remove deep-seated plaque. ・The toothbrush adopts "three-dimensional concave and convex cutting" of different lengths and "tapered fitting bristles" with square bristles to brush the gum edges smoothly. Set content Biore u 90ml, Merit 80ml, Clear Clean medicated toothpaste 17g, Clear Clean EX toothbrush 1