FEB beauty Sale!!
Enter code "FEB14%OFF" Online for all beauty and life products, when you spend $99.99, get 14% OFF and get a free gift.
Only on FEB 3 TO FEB 28
Blue: Moisture Plus, this is a pre-emulsion moisturizing face wash. The fine foam moisturizes and softens the skin with just a wash. After washing the face, the skin will not feel tight, and it also contains the ingredients of anti-pilling water, which has strong moisturizing power.
Green:Cleanses pores, moisturizes before lotion, contains intensive beauty essence and ceramides. 4 kinds of moisturizing ingredients ● Moisturizes the skin deeply (inside the stratum corneum) and protects the skin while cleansing ● Rapid foaming and quick relief ● Easy to use lotion to moisturize skin with good makeup ● White mud *3 (cleaning auxiliary ingredient) and witch hazel Plum Extract (skin conditioning ingredient)