FEB beauty Sale!!
Enter code "FEB14%OFF" Online for all beauty and life products, when you spend $99.99, get 14% OFF and get a free gift.
Only on FEB 3 TO FEB 28
This foaming hair dye makes it easy to color your hair at home with no mess and no waste;
Even long hair can be evenly colored throughout;
Enriched with pure honey and silk essence, it leaves hair silky soft and shiny.
1. Pour the liquid in the small package into the bottle
2. Shake left and right about 25 times
3. Simply apply lather to hair and massage
4. The foam easily covers the whole head
5. Wait for more than 30 minutes (the time can be divided according to the degree of coloring of each person)
6. Do not use shampoo, just wash with the prepared conditioner.