FEB beauty Sale!!
Enter code "FEB14%OFF" Online for all beauty and life products, when you spend $99.99, get 14% OFF and get a free gift.
Only on FEB 3 TO FEB 28
[Cleansing lotion] - A cleanser that softens dirt and wax around the ears, making it easier to remove. ・It feels smooth and refreshing to use, leaving your ears feeling refreshed. ・Excellent quick-drying and non-sticky properties. ・A moisturizing cream that gently soothes the delicate skin of the ears. [Cotton swab] ・Cleaning Swabs: The moderately convex and concave surface cleans the area around the ear without leaving any dirt or earwax. - Wipe Swabs: Fluffy and soft cotton swabs gently wipe away dirt and lotion.