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Only on FEB 3 TO FEB 28
Capacity: 360ml Set Contents/Accessories: Name sticker Size: 360ml Silver Ion AG+ Antibacterial Lunch Box Types of Antibacterial Agents/Inorganic Antibacterial Agent Processing Methods/Kneading Processed Parts/Whole (excluding metal and cloth parts)
360ml capacity, soft type with core, just suitable for children's lunch box. The lid makes the glue not easy to stick to each other and prevents the ingredients from being crushed. The high partition makes the side dishes not easy to shift, so that children can easily and safely use the daily lunch box. Can be put in two halves Rice about 0.9 cups Chawan (about 200ml), compatible with dishwashers and dryers, can be heated in microwave ovens by removing the lid SIAA (Technical Committee on Antimicrobial Products): Acquired certification mark JP0122581X0010B