The Psycho Gundam Mk-II, the largest in the series and the last of the main Mobile Suits from "Mobile Suit Z Gundam," is finally joining Bandai's "High Grade (HG)" model-kit lineup! This impressively sized model can transform into its Mobile Fortress form, and it's molded in different colors so it'll look great after assembly. A half-destroyed head part is included that evokes a pivotal scene in the anime, and an Action Base 4 and a special weapon display base are included too. Order this mighty mech for your own collection today! [Size]: Approximately 27cm tall when completed [Includes]: Shield Head (half-destroyed) Lead wire unit for arms (x2) Reflector bit (stored) (x1 set) Reflector bit (deployed) (x1 set) Beam effect parts (x1 set) Action Base 4 Weapon display base (x1 set) Stickers